Saturday, August 9, 2014

You're Fine- Trust Me!

I see these blogging moms making their lives seem so perfect and their followers drooling at their every post all the while thinking to themselves why can't I be like them? I will admit I follow certain mama blogs and I catch myself doing that very same thing. And the thing is, that is just simply not reality for most of us; especially working moms! So, with that said, this blog is my attempt to show REAL life. My goal is to make you laugh and realize you are doing just fine!

My husband is always saying to me, "it's fine".  Ugh!  Nothing aggravates me more because he always says this at a time when in my mind things are not fine!  Maybe it WILL be fine eventually, but right then in that moment THINGS ARE NOT FINE! In that moment I am FREAKING out! (Anyone lucky enough to watch Peg + Cat with their babies? "I am totally freaking out!" - if you are not lucky enough to watch this very repetitive PBS show, please ignore because you have no idea what I am talking about.) Anyway back on track- my husband likes to tell me "it's fine" in moments when I am freaking out.  What am I freaking out about you ask? Everything.  Like for example, my baby is coughing!  Coughing!  MY BABY!  What if she is sick?  This then generates a whole mess of thoughts- what will I do about work?  Who will watch her?  I have way too much going on at work to miss work?  What if J has to stay home with her?  What will they eat for lunch?  Will she need to go to the doctor?  Yep! Total craziness, then my husband says, "it's fine" and I totally come unglued. 

So, after typing my very first paragraph, I realized that I was doing just what I hate my husband doing to me- telling me everything is just fine.  But, even though I get totally pissed off at him when he says that (because he does in fact pick the absolute worst possible times to say that), most of the time, I have to admit that he is right.  Whew that was no easy to say- so hard in fact I think I gagged a little.  Bottom line here, ladies- please don't let these famous blogging moms make you feel like you are inadequate or pathetic.  They are not a majority rule.  They have great ideas, I read them as I have coffee almost every morning, but I have stopped letting myself feel bad because I don't seem to have it all together like they do.  They have a normal side too, we just don't see it often.  I am here to show you my normal side.  Please join me as we laugh our way through this silly life. 

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